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3.Zhang, J., Yang, Q., Yue, W., Yang, B., Zhou, W., Chen, L., Huang, X., Zhang, W., Dong, J.*, Ling, J.*, 2023. Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and associated bacteria co-response to the synergistic stress of ocean warming and ocean acidification. Environmental Research 236, 116658.
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6.Ahmad, M., Ling, J.*, Yin, J., Chen, L., Yang, Q., Zhou, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Khan, I., Dong, J.*, 2023. Evaluation of the different nutritional and environmental parameters on microbial pyrene degradation by mangrove culturable bacteria. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 8282.
7.董俊德, 黄小芳, 龙爱民, 王友绍, 凌娟, 杨清松. 2023. 红树林固氮微生物及其生态功能研究进展. 热带海洋学报 42, 1-11.
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12.Huang, X., Feng, J., Dong, J.*, Zhang, J., Yang, Q., Yu, C., Wu, M., Zhang, W., Ling, J.*, 2022. Spartina alterniflora invasion and mangrove restoration alter diversity and composition of sediment diazotrophic community. Applied Soil Ecology 177, 104519.
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1.董俊德, 张燕英, 杨志浩, 张偲, 王友绍, 孙翠慈. 红树植物根际固氮菌 (DZY-N33)及其应用. 专利授权号: ZL200810028957.1.
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